Sunday, January 18, 2009
1:44 AM
19, 20, 21 JAN !
We're staying at the Seaview Terrace!
Two levels, kitchen & 4 rooms.
Yes, first thing first. Don't try walking from downtown to Loyang Aloha. The distance is really longggg.
So you can take bus/mrt/cab to Pasir Ris MRT station.
There will be free shuttle bus service there, near the Taxi stand.
We'll be meeting at 3PM sharp.
& will be taking the 315pm shuttle bus.
But if you're late, you can take the 415 bus. The bus will come at every 1h interval.
BBQ will be on the first night. :D
If there's any questions, contact either Weikit, Xinyi or me ! :D
Takecareee! =)
4I`08 (:
Saturday, October 11, 2008
7:32 PM
Last Day of School!♠

4I`08 (:
Sunday, July 6, 2008
6:06 PM
Camp Photos ! 

4I`08 (:
Saturday, June 21, 2008
10:38 PM
Ugly side view.
With the hoodie.

Front view.

Back view.
Yeah, a sneak preview first. You guys will get yours on Monday. No worries. =)
Finally all these is done. Its definitely a hassle.
Credits to Xinyi Jasmin Hweiteng Jocelyn Xuanle Brandon! =)
Tag us with any comments, be it positive or negative.
But please, dont forget the hardwork of ours.
4I`08 (:
Monday, June 9, 2008
1:54 AM
Sorry for the over lapping in the picture, cos there's practically no space for any wordings.
Anyway. As seen, I've removed the nicknames, so called hot babes pictures and those nonsensical stuffs.
& yeah, this is a class blog, so pretty please don't post any of these unglam pictures anymore.
Jokes are alright, but don't overdo it pleasee. =)
Ohya, i had changed the picture to the new 4I picture already, as requested.
So hmm, Enjoy & takecare! =)
4I`08 (:
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
10:15 PM
Yo, good day.
Long time no post liao. Congrats to Mr Pang again. I post to ask for some questions.
Q1: How long will the wedding last?
Q2: If I didn't receive any wedding card nor even asked for the invitation, can I join in at the last minute?
Q3: Is there lunch or dinner provided? XD
Q4: Mr Pang is teaching at which school now?
Q5: Who will be going for the wedding?
Q6: Who will be going for band concert after attending for Mr Pang's wedding?
Hope to see reply to the questions asap. Thanks for noticing. =D
Posted By: Wei Kit
4I`08 (:
12:39 PM
LOL, this is my first time posting on this blog .
Okay, I changed the class photo to a bigger one .
Hahahas, & congrats to Mr Pang (:
4I`08 (: